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Data profiling enhanced- Datamartist V1.3 Released

We are very pleased to announce that Datamartist V1.3.0 is now available, and want to thank all our Beta testers. This release represents a major step forward particularly in the data profiling tools area for the professional edition. Datamartist gives you a highly visual, drag and drop, drill down, free form data profiling and transformation tool for much less than enterprise tools from “those other guys”. For a limited time, you can get the new version of Datamartist at the old price. But After Sept. 30, the discount is gone.

Check out the two minute whirlwind tour video.

What’s new in V1.3

Just a few of the great new things you’ll find in this version, along with all the usual visual, drill downable data profiling and transforming goodness;

Value distribution data profiling

Quickly analyse the distribution of numeric values zooming in on questionable distribution areas, exploring visually, going from visual to drilling down into the underlying rows and back instantly. You can check it out in this video.

Automated data profiling

We’ve added a dedicated data profiling block to the block library of the professional edition that lets you sample as many points of the data canvas as you want, and write time-stamped data profiling results. The result is that not only can you profile your data automatically, you can analyse trends, and use the data profiling stream from Datamartist to create external dashboards and data quality alerts.

Enhanced data format rule editing

The professional edition also boasts an enhanced ability to directly edit data format analysis rules. By defining a series of simple rules, you can analyse the data format of your data quickly and easily. Are there letters where you should only have numbers? Are the product codes properly formed?

Regular Expression support (REGEX)

Datamartist professional now has a REGEX function that allows you to include regular expressions anywhere that expressions are used. This means you can use them in calculation blocks for transforms, segmentation tests, and filters. This gives you a powerful new tool to assess and profile your data, either writing your own, or using one of the many expressions available.

For a more detailed look at Datamartist, you can browse the documentation, or better yet, download the free trial now, and see what Datamartist can do with your data.

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